Friday, 30 September 2011

Five Ways to Keep your man Interested

Do all guys have attention-deficit disorder? That’s a question my friend asked me the other day. She was in a relationship with a guy who she thought was great. They dated for over four months, had a wonderful time and then, out of nowhere, he tells her that he needs his space. But just the night before, he wined her and dined her. He even gave her a gift—a fabulous pair of designer jeans. So she was stunned when he called a time-out on their seemingly great relationship. Has this ever happened to you? If so, you can relate to the feelings of frustration and hurt that set in when you find out you’re man doesn’t want to be with you, share anymore great times with you, cook you dinner or talk to you on the phone for hours about everything or nothing at all.
I must confess to you no one really knows why guys change their minds so quickly. They’re just as fickle with love as some women are with shoes or clothes. So, what’s a girl to do to keep her man interested?
I would share with you after this song… tell me how far can you go with your man
1) Think like a guy. Enter his world and see what it’s like to be obsessed with sports, cars and beer. Attend sporting events regularly with your man. Read up on his favorite sports, players, etc. so that you can comment just like his guys friends do when Shaq misses a shot or the Dolphins lose another game. He’ll be even more impressed if you can rattle off a statistic or two. What you’re doing by sharing this time with your man is bringing you both closer. He’s not going to want to lose his best friend and by being part of his world, you’re going to become just that!
2) Become a tramp. Okay, not literally, but do it in the bedroom for your man. He’ll love it when you show up for a night of passion in a sexy outfit or costume that tantalizes him. Make it even more interesting by vamp it up not only in the bedroom, but in other parts of the house and for the daring among you, try doing it in public. Hot! Hot! Hot!
3) Chill out. Guys speak a different language. What they consider bad, we may consider atrocious. What they consider a white lie, we consider the end of the world. When your guy does something to upset you, don’t lash out and do something to make him mad. Instead, calmly and rationally explain to him how you’re feeling and exactly why you are upset. Make it like a discussion, not a confrontation or argument. Guys hate confrontation with women and women don’t like the wrinkles from stress that arguing brings!
4) Pet him. That’s right, treat your man like your pet once in a while by rewarding him for good behavior. If he surprises you and comes home early, rock his world in the sack that night. If he mows the lawn, buy him tickets to a sporting event. This way, you’re slowly training him and letting him know that he’s got an incentive for behaving himself.
5) Laugh at him. I’ve heard guys tell the lamest jokes that are so not funny! But if my husband where telling the exact same joke, I’d laugh until tears came out of my eyes. For some unknown reason, guys like to know they have the ability to make a woman laugh and put a smile on her face. Even if your guy is not so funny, make him thinks he should have pursued a career in stand-up comedy. He’ll really appreciate it!
#1 Keep him intrigued. If he likes what he knows so far, he'll make sure to come around more often to find out more.
#2Find out what he likes. Everyone knows women like to talk about themselves, but that doesn't mean that everyone likes to hear it. Instead of dwelling on yourself and past relationships, ask him questions to show that you are interested in him. If he likes a certain color, it wouldn't hurt to wear that color every once in a while. If he likes a certain food, it would be heavenly if his favorite dish was served to him.
#3Make him feel like a man. There's nothing wrong with boosting a man's ego. It makes him feel good about himself and if he feels good about himself because of a certain someone, he'll want to keep her around. More than likely, he'll also return the favor.
#4 Massages. After a long hard day at work and stress of after-work traffic, they love to be pampered with a nice body or back and foot massage. If you have the time and energy, throw in a pedicure and manicure. You may even get the same treatment in return, on the weekend, of course. He's not going to feel like it during the weekday. Unless, he wants to show you how much he appreciates what you did for him.
#5Find the balance between independence and making sure he's loved. All guys are attracted to independent women, so put down your cell, stop IMing and facebooking him, and wait till he approaches you. However make sure he knows that you do appreciate him - it makes him feel more masculine that he has something to protect and care for. Once a guy has achieved what he was chasing, there is nothing else to chase if you are constantly there. Ensure he still has to chase you to guarantee you'll see each other.
#6 If he's been in fewer relationships than you, be patient and understanding if he doesn't quite comprehend the basic rules of living together. Men find it difficult to understand why they should let you watch your favourite chick flick, even though you have already patiently sat through a four-hour basketball game, and went to watch Transformers just to make him happy. Similarly, they probably don't get why you shouldn't have to do all the housework either. Try to settle these issues without starting an argument.
#7Keep public displays of affection to a minimum. Men don't like to be forced into holding your hand and kissing you in public. If he does anyway - great - if you try to make him, don't. Don't be upset or angry if he feels awkward about doing it; males are closed-off creatures and don't like to show their 'soft sides' to the public.
# 8 Be confident and look great. He chose you over thousands of other girls, so show you're proud of yourself! Dress to impress without showing too much flesh on your first couple of dates, and make sure you don't go over the top with hair and makeup. Guys are attracted to natural beauty, while a fake tan and spidery eyelashes isn't attractive. Be youthful and feminine, as if you tumbled out of bed looking perfect - a cute dress, tinted moisturizer, nude or berry lipstick and a flick of mascara is all it takes.
# 9 Don't give him anything sexually until your relationship is close and comfortable. It causes the initial excitement to quickly drain from a relationship.
Is it okay for husbands/married men to disclose their incomes to their wives as widely/always debated upon? Ur views on dis 'll b appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. They are just comfortable where they are in the relationship. This is often the time women tend to wonder what could be wrong or if THEY are doing something wrong.

    how to attract men
